Kristina Kybartaite-Damule explains that she has had two passions since youth: perfumes and writing. So, no surprise that her Pleurzo Mag—named for the Esperanto word for “pleasure”—focuses on all things fragrant.
We’re delighted that she has recently published an article Sarah Baker: Perfume Is My Artwork.
Recently, meeting with Sarah in Cannes during the annual “oktoberfest” when luxury brands arrive in town—some of them literally anchoring their yachts in the marina of the famous Côte d'Azur resort— Kristina interviewed Sarah on all manner of things. And, she’s published a lovely article as a result.
There were obviously the more general questions about the house and Sarah’s sources of inspiration. But, Kristina was also very good at getting down to insider information on the down low. Blame it on Cannes, blame it on the boogie, but Sarah told Kristina about a number of imminent exciting developments. Yep, she got the scoop even before we’ve announced it here.
So, we strongly suggest that you take a look at her article here if you want to be among the first to know of things soon to come.
Thank you, Kristina for writing such a lovely article. Be sure to check out Sarah Baker in Plezuro Mag.