Nicola Thomis is a writer, reviewer and all round perfume raconteur. Known for the reviews she publishes in written form or as podcasts on her website The Sniff, she also contributes regularly to Fragrantica. It’s with her Fragrantica hat on that she has written a wonderfully in-depth review of Peach’s Revenge. And, we’re utterly delighted.
Nicola was among the first people in the world to experience Peach’s Revenge at its launch in Milan in March. She explains: “I first smelled it at Esxence, and it was one of those fragrances which immediately stuck in my brain and demanded revisiting as soon as I got home. This might sound like hyperbole, but at Esxence when certainly tens of scents can be sampled in one day, the things that stand out aren’t as frequent as you might imagine. Revisiting Peach’s Revenge confirmed my opinion that this is a memorable and uniquely interesting scent, one which is a must try for those on the search for anything juicy, fun and serving optimism in these anxious times.”
If we’ve somewhat given away the denouement of Nicola’s review, before she arrives at this conclusion, her thorough and insightful writing proves an excellent guide for anyone who has not yet sniffed the extrait to understand its notes.

For example, the peach keynote —
“Peach positively radiates from the scent, at first the fruitiness has a lactonic edge, in part, but it also vibrates with the high energy of something akin to ketones or pear."
Then there’s how that combines with the more creamy notes—
“...Peach’s Revenge is a very textural fragrance, and the counterpoint to the silky whipped cream is a fuzzy, velvety peach skin texture, slightly sharp, just lingering behind the creamy and juicy tones.”
Or, indeed the more unexpected notes, such as bark—
“...the barky texture, the cyanide-hinting amaretto, even the deeper and more gooey sense of sweetness that comes later into a wear, all anchor the scent to something much more grown up and interesting…”
Whether the fruits, the spices or the woody notes, Nicola’s review walks the reader through the entire scentscape of Chris Maurice’s composition. Not only are we delighted with what Nicola has to say, we’re equally grateful that she has also made it so effortless for anyone who is curious about our latest extrait de parfum to get an accurate sense of it even before spritzing.
Absolutely make sure that you read Nicola’s full review here on Fragrantica.
Thank you so much, Nicola, for your fantastic writing on Peach’s Revenge and for your support of the house once again.