As Laura Palmer 2011
I was commissioned by Saatchi Gallery Magazine, Art and Music Magazine to create a double-page spread, following a discussion I participated in about DVD box-sets for a feature article in the David Lynch issue. The discussion (with Cedar Lewisohn, Paul Purgas, David Watkins, and myself) stemmed from the idea that Twin Peaks not only raised the bar for episodic television shows, but that it also hugely inspired countless TV dramas since Twin Peaks first aired in 1990.
I was asked by Cedar to participate in the DVD box set discussion due to my Dynasty expertise. And still to me, Alexis Carrington of Dynasty wins for female ground-breaking ass-kicking territory.
But I think about Laura Palmer's mystique continually, and Lynch's brilliant construction of her elusive back story. Only one time in my life somebody told me that I look like Laura Palmer. It was artist Seb Patane, the first week of art school in 2001, I had just moved to London and I think I must have been gleaming Americanism.
I recently unearthed these outtakes. The "prom" photo was shot while on holiday in Cornwall with my family and friends. Movie night was every evening, and I showed my parents Twin Peaks for the first time. The images were not only used as a double page spread for the David lynch issue of the Saatchi Gallery Magazine, but they also were used for a beer mat that was part of an art show curated by Cedar Lewisohn "Beer Mat Show" at the Bun House Pub in Peckham.
Photographed by Emily McMehen. Hair and makeup by Jen Fechter. No photoshopping here folks, just lights, makeup, and poses.